Using Spotify and Rhapsody With a Screen Reader

Rhapsody and Spotify are two legal music streaming web sites.  They both contain a great deal of music in many categories.  Navigating these sites with a screen reader can be a challenge.  Here’s an article from AccessWorld, a free, online magazine which focuses on technology and people with vision loss.  AccessWorld is published by the American Foundation for the Blind.  To learn more about AccessWorld visit  Here’s the link to the article



The ukulele is an inexpensive and fun instrument to play.  A soprano ukulele is small and weighs very little.  It works well with children who have little hands and adults enjoy it too.  The chords are easy to learn especially because of the instrument’s tuning and the fact that it has only four strings.


Music Therapy and Budget Cuts

It is unfortunate in this age of budget cuts that so many music therapists are either losing their jobs or getting their hours cut.  Although many agency directors realize the value of music therapy, it is not a mandated service such as speech, physical, and occupational therapy.  Therefore, it is not a billable service.  In reality, it’s the people we serve that are denied the benefits of music therapy.
